Vega Gull (vegae) / セグロカモメ / 재갈매기

(last update: December 2015)


Vega Gull (vegae) 2nd cycle / 3CY February

2nd generation flight feathers.

After the complete moult in the summer months, some 2CY birds may start a subsequent limited moult in upper tertials and/or inner wing-coverts. In these birds, the new coverts (and new scapulars) often reflect the grey tone of adult plumage. The partial autumn moult took place in September-October, but the generation division is still obvious by February.

Vega Gull (vegae), 2nd cycle (3CY), February 14 2005, Hasaki Xingang, Japan. Picture: Akimichi Ariga.
Vega Gull (vegae), 2nd cycle (3CY), February 14 2005, Hasaki Xingang, Japan. Picture: Akimichi Ariga.
Vega Gull (vegae), 2nd cycle (3CY), February 15 2005, Hasaki Xingang, Japan. Picture: Akimichi Ariga.