Herring Gull (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: February 11, 2013)

Herring Gull (argenteus) BLB H152381 adult, August 2010, September 2011 & January 2016, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.

Ringed as adult (>4CY), on August 28 2008 near Oostende beach, at Middelkerke, Belgium (51.183 N, 2.833 E). Handful of recoveries, all from Westkapelle.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) BLB H152381 adult, January 31 2016, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.

Very dark, windy and dizzly weather, hard to get the true grey tone right in this image, but matching local argenteus. Already white-headed.

below: Herring Gull adult H-152381 (argenteus) September 20 2011, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Pictures: Maarten van Kleinwee.

Adult European Herring Gull moulting to winter (basic) plumage. P6 fully grown, the outer primaries P9 and P10 still have to be shed. Winter head streaking.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) BLB H152381 adult, August 10 2010, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.