Herring Gull (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: February 11, 2013)

Herring Gull (argenteus) H|X 1CY-2CY, September - October 2019 & February 2020, Scheveningen & Katwijk, the Netherlands.

Ringed in the Netherlands, probably as pullus on 08-07-2019 at Neeltje Jans (Westduinen), Zeeland, (5137.00 N 341.00 E).

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) H|X 2CY, February 19 2020, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) H|X 1CY, October 30 2019, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) H|X 1CY, September 23 2019, Katwijk beach, the Netherlands.