Gulls in NW Europe

(last update: September 25, 2011 )

Herring Gull 2-3cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) August 2011 - August 2012, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Pictures: Maarten van Kleinwee & Mars Muusse.

Ringed as 2cy on July 20 2011, IJmuiden, The Netherlands after taken into bird hospital.

below: 3cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) August 29 2012, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.

below: 3cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) January 13 2012, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.

below: 3cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) January 08 2012, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.

Second-calendar year Herring Gull, in second-winter (pre-basic, second cycle) plumage. Upper tertials replaced in partial autumn moult.

below: 2cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) October 16 2011, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.

Second-calendar year Herring Gull, in second-winter (pre-basic, second cycle) plumage. Upper tertials replaced in partial autumn moult.

below: 2cy 5.463.321 (argenteus) August 14 2011, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.

Second-calendar year Herring Gull, moulting to second-winter (pre-basic, second cycle) plumage: all feathers seem to have been replaced by new generation feathers. P9 is just sticking out behind P8, P10 is not yet visible. Note the overall light-brown appearance of the scapulars and wing coverts, with dark-brown barring. The bill has a pink base and a black tip, the legs are pink.