Lesser Black-backed Gull L f intermedius/
Baltic Gull L f fuscus

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus intermedius

1-3: © Ruud Altenburg, 28-05-06; 4: © Harm Niesen, 28-05-06. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Blue JJ6S is from Napp, N Norway (68.08 N, 13.27 E), from a region where fuscus used to breed (Barth 1968), but where the situation now is unclear. JJ6S's strong appearance and moult pattern point to intermedius; also see NOS 4248181 in the fuscus section. Most, if not all, wing coverts and all tertials have been replaced. Also the central rectrices are new, but the remiges have been retained. The complete moult has just started; P1-2 are missing. The non-juvenile feathers are dark grey, either with bold markings, such as the median coverts, or very plain, like the greater coverts.